Teal is a wonderful pastel color that looks beautiful used or as a standalone color. Combine it with red, yellow, and purple for a non-traditional multi display. A favorite color combination is teal and red for a Southwestern feel or mixing with pink and green for Easter. Add to natural or artificial greenery at Christmas and wrap your porch railings to welcome guests. The 6-inch spacing makes them ideal for use in outdoor applications such as decorating large trees, columns, or even fences where there are sufficient outlets. Be sure to run no more than 5 sets in series.
- Incandescent
- Glass bulbs
- 22 AWG
- UL Rated, Indoor/Outdoor
- If one burns out, the rest stay lit
- If a bulb is removed the string will go out
- Cannot cut to shorten or lengthen
- Don't run more than 5 sets in series