These indoor or outdoor rated light strings are constructed with 3 circuits that turn on sequentially - one, two, three - at a rate you choose with a controller box. Slow for a chic mellow effect and faster to really add a wow factor. Used in a straight line, the alternating lights will look like they are "traveling". Installed at the edges of a Christmas tree with in a pattern that backs over itself and around the limbs, the random pattern will create a twinkle effect. These mini light sets have one stackable male plug only. (You can stack up to 3 sets together at one plug but you can't connect them in series.) These chasing Christmas light sets are approximately 46 feet long with 4-inch bulb spacing.
- Incandescent
- Glass bulbs
- 22 AWG
- UL Rated, Indoor/Outdoor
- If one burns out, the rest stay lit
- If a bulb is removed the string will go out
- Cannot cut to shorten or lengthen
- Single male plug, cannot connect in series